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Cutting / Herd Work
Herdwork Tips – Using Your Feet in the Turn
I have a short video that explains a common error when riders make cow turns. They tend to release a horse from remaining on its hindquarters before the turn is complete. This often happens towards the end of the turn. It's caused by using your feet too soon, or...
A Common Cow Turn Mistake
I have a short video that explains a common error when riders make cow turns. They tend to release a horse from remaining on its hindquarters before the turn is complete. This often happens towards the end of the turn. It's caused by using your feet too soon, or...
Your Job as a Rider
When it comes to working a cow, there's a lot going on - you - the horse - your mentors - the cattle! In the Cow Smart Series, Lesson One is about your job as a rider when you work cattle. This clip also has a fun visualization. I hope you enjoy it. Cow Smart Online...
Where do you enter the herd?
Have you ever walked down to the herd without a plan? Maybe you entered the body of the herd without a thought about how you will impact the cattle? In this week's video, I discuss three different places to enter the herd for a cutting or herd work run, the...
How to Deepen Your Seat
This week, this question came up: “What does deepen your seat mean?” Now, that’s a GREAT question. That’s what this podcast is all about.Our seat is the most fundamental part of our riding, and it is multi-dimensional. It is our most direct line of cueing and...
Seven Elements of Herdwork
Not too long ago I did an in-depth 5 hours and 20 minutes total time, webinar series on cutting. I thought it would be fun this week to share 8 minutes of one of the sessions. It's all about breaking making the cut down into individual pieces. I identify seven in all....
Getting a Cow to Turn Away for the Quit
In this video, I discuss five essentials of good herd work and show examples of: Driving forward for the cut Pausing and then moving across the pen with the flow of cattle Using the cow-side leg during the cut Keeping your horse on his haunches as you make the cut...
5 Tips for Making the Cut
In this video, I discuss five essentials of good herd work and show examples of: Driving forward for the cut Pausing and then moving across the pen with the flow of cattle Using the cow-side leg during the cut Keeping your horse on his haunches as you make the cut...
If the Cattle Get Tangled on the Cut
I just returned from the NCHA Futurity. When I saw these two cuts. I thought they would be great examples of how you can make the best decisions possible on the cut if cattle threaten to stay together and 'get tangled up.' Watch for three things: 1. How the cutters...
Take a Hold
Have you ever wondered what someone means when they say, “Get a hold of that cow!” You might think, “What in the world?????” When a trainer or a helper says this, he or she means to become more aware of your mental and physical connection to the cow in that moment....

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