Barb and Sandy

Sandy Collier
Sandy grew up riding 3-day event horses in NY. She moved to California in her late teens and became enamored with reined cowhorses.
She operated a training stable in the Santa Ynez Valley for 35 years. Sandy is the first and only woman to win the prestigious National Reined Cowhorse Snaffle Bit Futurity. She is a multiple NRCHA and AQHA World Champion. She is an international clinician and judge. Sandy is passionate about learning and sharing knowledge. She is the author of “Reining Essentials”, and many educational DVD’s. She is an honoree in both the National Cowgirl Hall of Fame and the NRCHA Hall of Fame.
Sandy is also an internationally Certified Life Coach. She resides in Santa Maria, Ca.

Barbra Schulte
Her journey began on her parents’ ranch in Southern Illinois with 400 horses. Throughout her life and horse adventures, Barbra has always been driven by a singular passion ~ to help riders grow their confidence.
She is a Personal Performance Coach, a Cutting Horse Trainer, Publisher of online programs, Clinician, Author, and Speaker.She is an honoree in the National Cowgirl Hall of Fame and in the National Cutting Horse Association Members’ Hall of Fame. She was awarded the National Female Equestrian of the Year Award by the AQHA and the Women’s Sports Foundation.
Barbra lives with her husband Tom, several horses, two dogs, and Snickers the cat, in Brenham, Texas.
Be Unstoppable Mission Statement:
Our unique approach considers all of the elements of riding … technical skills … mental skills … and most importantly, what riding means to you personally.
We are dedicated to helping you build your skills and find solutions for your challenges in cutting, cow horse, reining, and versatility events.
We believe that riding is a journey. We strive to help you know that wherever you are is always enough.
We support you as you overcome obstacles; learn new skills; and continue to grow personally.