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Competition Mental Skills

It’s Not About Us

It’s Not About Us

When we compete, it's easy to feel the pressure to get good results. We feel like all eyes are on us and our horses. After all, that's how success is measured, right?  In this article, I suggest a perspective that shifts our focus to a more productive place, releases...

Here’s the Diff

Here’s the Diff

What I’m about to tell you is the same for riders across the board; actually, it’s the same for humans across the board, but I’m going to give you an example from the cutting world. The National Cutting Horse Association just wrapped up its 2nd largest show of the...

This happens to everyone

This happens to everyone

I have two friends navigating the same challenge but in totally different disciplines. One rides reining horses, and the other shows pleasure horses. They both love to show and have been progressing well, and their results in the arena are beginning to show it, too....

Nourish Your Spirit

Nourish Your Spirit

There is an attribute of extraordinary people that I love. They take care of their hearts. By that, I mean they take time to nourish their spirit. It seems like this would be so personal that it’s not worth mentioning here, but I have come to know it is central to a...

Building Mental and Emotional Muscle

Building Mental and Emotional Muscle

We talk about mental, emotional, or physical training, but the reality is that the mind, body, and emotions are one. When we think about something, it impacts our emotions and our body. When we do something physical, it affects our thoughts and feelings. And no matter...

Keep Expectations High – No Excuses!

Keep Expectations High – No Excuses!

Hey, it’s Barb, What I always find amazing is the fact there are always more layers to understand and learn in anything we do. Of course, that’s true about communicating with our beloved horses and developing our riding skills. The depth and breadth of what seems to...

Questions to ask looking to 2022

Questions to ask looking to 2022

This time of year is such a perfect time to think about 2022 – what we want to accomplish – why we want to achieve it – and what success looks like. Then – what is our path to get there? I think about new beginnings first regarding the what and why as such essential...

Two Exercises for Showtime Prep

Two Exercises for Showtime Prep

I love this time of year. It's unique in so many ways. The weather is refreshing, the colors are gorgeous, and there's a lot of change going on. For many, it's a special show season. In this video, I want to shout out to my friends who are going to their final weekend...

Get our free biweekly articles and videos with strategies used by two of the world’s most successful professional women who competed in Reined Cow Horse and Cutting.

These are the same powerful ideas that we’ve used to train, ride and show our own horses… and they can work for you, too.

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