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Big decisions are coming up!

Big decisions are coming up!

Believe it or not, spring is coming soon and if you have 2-year-olds, you might have to start deciding what route to take with them. How do you decide whether you should go cutting, cow horse or reining with them? It's really important that the horse has the aptitude...

Using Schooling Works

Using Schooling Works

If you’ve shown a horse more than a handful of times, you probably know your horse will start getting a bit anxious going in the pen, anticipating maneuvers and/or knows what the sound of cattle banging around at the far end of the arena means. Suddenly, when you walk...

Tribute to Doug Williamson

Tribute to Doug Williamson

Most of you have heard by now that we have lost a great cowboy, trainer, dear friend and one of the finest horsemen ever. Doug Williamson passed after a long battle with cancer. He will be missed by many but forgotten by none. My 2 favorite quotes from Doug are, “When...

Fixing Your Horse’s Natural Asymmetry (Part 1)

Fixing Your Horse’s Natural Asymmetry (Part 1)

Overcome your horse's natural asymmetry so you can—finally!—ride perfect circles and straight lines. Does your horse seem to have a "good" and a "bad" side? Is he somehow easier to ride in one direction than the other? Is it hard for you to make your circles to the...

The Magic of Compounding Interest!

The Magic of Compounding Interest!

I want to share something interesting with you. Here’s a question that you may have heard before: If you had to pick between receiving $1,000,000 today or the value of $0.01 doubled every day for 30 days, which would you pick? I’ve heard this question before, but...

Tips for Hauling and Showing in the Hot Weather

Tips for Hauling and Showing in the Hot Weather

The summer show season is upon us! And while it brings longer days and time for more shows, it also brings warmer weather and its own set of challenges for you and your horses. Any animal expected to perform at its top level should be regularly evaluated by...



Back in April of 2021, I wrote an article on sworls/whorls/swirls. I find it fascinating and many times a good predicter of certain equine characteristics and disposition. I recently saw an article in Western Horseman that had a few new ones on me, so see what you...

Excessive Herd Help

Excessive Herd Help

It seems like after every major event, the topic of excessive herd help comes up. It was covered really well in Dec at the NRCHA Judge’s Seminar, so I thought before the Celebration of Champions, I’d recap what is allowed to do without consequence to the exhibitor vs...

Doug Williamson

Doug Williamson

This week I wanted to give a big shout out to one of the finest horsemen, greatshowman, kind and resilient, yet tougher than nails, and cowboy extraordinaire. Ifyou’ve never met Doug Williamson, just go right up and introduce yourself! He’sone of the most friendly and...

Get our free biweekly articles and videos with strategies used by two of the world’s most successful professional women who competed in Reined Cow Horse and Cutting.

These are the same powerful ideas that we’ve used to train, ride and show our own horses… and they can work for you, too.

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