I want to share a story about a friend who called and wanted to chat about two experiences involving interactions with others.

One was that she’d been a helper on the cow crew at a show, turning out cattle for people boxing.

To make this story short, she had a great experience doing that. She showed for the first time, too, which was great. She was feeling good and excited.

Later, she read a social media comment, and one person was super critical of the show, especially the cow committee. The person said the cow crew didn’t know what they were doing and didn’t let the cows out at the right time.

She was disappointed and upset, which turned her whole idea of her weekend upside down. Now, remember that situation.

Then, she had another situation a few days later where she was picking up some hay. A guy started—it didn’t matter if it was a guy or a woman—but started quizzing her.

He was talking at her, not with her.

Both situations bring up a similar perspective for me.

When other people are hurtful – the work we must do is always within ourselves.

We can step back and reflect on what we thought about the situation.

At the show, my friend couldn’t do a part of a task she had never learned.

At the same time, we can allow others to be who they are without expending our energy, making them wrong, and going through all that.

We can keep returning to our hearts and learning from the situation, and then we can let it go.

Regarding the second situation, I know it’s time to change something when I don’t have a genuine conversation with somebody (as in an honest exchange of ideas).

I can change the subject or find an opportunity to step away gracefully and not engage in the conversation any longer, especially when I don’t feel heard, and there’s no back-and-forth of ideas.

Again, it always comes back to us.

It always comes back to doing the work within ourselves, allowing others to be who they are, learning what we can take from the exchange, and being confident in who we are.

Please leave a message for me.


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