
Hey, it’s Barb,  and I want to talk to you today about an idea that’s really easy to understand, but it’s not always easy to do.

It’s called unstoppable momentum.

I discovered a woman, Marissa Murgatroyd, who does a lot of teaching online.

She has a type of ‘formula’ that makes a lot of sense to me.

It’s the idea of creating unstoppable momentum.

The part of the path she proposes has the same ideas I’ve experienced and taught, but I really like the way she combined them.

The idea is that we get very specific about what it is that we want – which is a vision.

Then, we set ourselves up for constant wins. (This is a major piece of the puzzle that is easy to brush off or overlook.)

Thirdly, we sustain motivation over time by acknowledging within ourselves, bigger and bigger wins, into what she calls, unstoppable momentum.

There are three steps.

The first step is that you imagine your future self becoming who you intend to become every step of the way of your learning.

Your future self is doing what you imagine, not just analytically, but feeling it.

You see in your mind whatever step you’re working on, and you add it to the vision of a becoming a beautiful rider.

This first step uses this idea of your future self in a very creative way.

The second step is celebrating the things you do well.

Now, again, this is something that I’ve talked about a lot  and it’s easy to think, “Yeah, yeah, yeah, Barb, okay, I did that pretty good, but did you see what I messed up over there?” 😊

This is a powerful tool because, besides the fact that we get more of what we recognize and appreciate, we get excited every time we allow ourselves to acknowledge each little thing we do well as a win.

You get into the habit of thinking about small wins and being delighted by each little step. This builds confidence.

Here’s the third step.
As you develop these first two steps you start to get a feeling of certainty that nothing is ever going to get in your way, as you keep growing and learning because you are focused on and celebrating getting better and better.

You experience an uninterrupted  flow of experience – wins – corrections – experience – wins – corrections.

You don’t revert back to, “I don’t know if I can do this.” You don’t sweep over the whole thing as in “That was horrible. That was great.”

That’s because you have the vision of yourself as a beautiful rider in whatever it is that you do – and you actively see how it’s happening.

You visualize what you’re about to do.  You take the wins and you celebrate them.

You have unstoppable momentum.

So that’s what I have for you today.

It’s a little different version of a lot of the things that we’ve talked about in the past, but I really love the way she put it together.

Have a great week. And as always, you know, I love to hear from you.

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