I heard a gem of wisdom this past week that I’d like to share with you, 

It’s the idea that we’re all already heroes in our own lives.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t normally think of myself as a hero! 

But, here’s the point the speaker made.

We’ve all already been through so much in our lives. We don’t have to do anything more to be enough –  about anything. 

Wherever we are, wherever we’re starting from right now is absolutely enough. 

And this is a part I really love… 

If we want to do more, explore more, and learn more, go for a riding title, then we absolutely can. 

But it’s because it’s exciting and joyful for us – not because we have to toprove our worthiness. 

It’s not because there’s some imaginary mandate hanging over our heads, saying we need to do more to be enough or prove anything in any area of our lives.

It’s in our human nature to want to keep getting better, learning, andcreating. But it’s a choice. There’s nothing that we have to do or be in order to prove our worthiness—be enough, have enough, or look good enough. 

I just wanted to share that little tidbit with you and let you know that we’re going to do this workshop.

This is a short and sweet tidbit, but to me it went right to the heart to set us free to be authentic, live what we love and let go of the stories we tell ourselves about what we ‘need’ or ‘have to do’.

What do you think?  

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