Here are 2 of my favorite ways to tune up a spin other than the fence drill that I’ve posted before.
The first is to build cadence and increase speed.
Start with a bridled up trot in a small circle. Drive your horses hindquarters up underneath them as far as you can. When you have a good cadence on a small circle, softly close your outside rein on his neck and press him with your outside leg. Try to keep the same rhythm, speed and cadence.
I have a metronome in my head going “step-step-step” while I trot and then try to keep that same beat while I spin.
Then come right back up onto the same circle briskly trotting with no loss of cadence.
Then you’re ready go into the spin again for a few beats, then come up trotting. Do this several times then give your horse a rest.
It’s pretty hard work for them, so build into it gradually. Sorry the videos are so short, but I can’t seem to be able to send them from my phone if they’re any longer. I’m open to some techy suggestions though!
Thank you for sharing…. you are the best…
I have used both of these exercises…really like the first one (trotting in & out of the spin at random points in the circle & varying the number of spins before trotting out again). Great for both horse & rider!
Will use this exercise as soon as I can ride again after 2 week bought with “the Wuhan Creation.” So weak I haven’t been able to consider sitting my saddle. I am fortunate to have a very solid spin on my gelding but we need to get back together slowly and make it smooth not necessarily fast right away. Thank you.
We have had 4 inches of snow here in Canada overnight!! I think it might be a snow day to catch up on all the great emails and videos you amazing ladies share with us. Thank you for sharing your knowledge!!
Thank you!
Thank you for the helpful videos and the clear explanation of what you are doing. Hmmm, wonder why you aren’t able to post longer videos with your cell phone. I”m not “techy” either but seems like you should be able to post videos easily that are a minute long. Someone else will have a good answer, I am sure. 🙂 PS, You have beautiful horses and a beautiful, large arena!!!!
Love your explanation of how to move cattle with different approaches. I’ve been a little afraid to enter in the middle and splitting them up. Will get brave and try it soon. Thanks.
Super helpful tips! Thank you for sharing! Can’t wait to go out to the barn to try this.