Our Blog


New Cows

New Cows

You might have noticed at the NRCHA Celebration of Champions this year that it was a little more difficult in the fence work to get a new cow. It has always been a controversial call with many feeling there was no rhyme or reason to who deserved and got a new cow and...

“I Can” Isn’t Quite Enough

“I Can” Isn’t Quite Enough

I have many things that excite me about everyday living - like 'coincidences' that lead to outcomes I never could have imagined and learning new things.  Recently, through a mutual friend, I met Dr. Stephanie Burns, an Australian human behavior specialist...

Circles for Credit

Circles for Credit

Circles Reining circles demonstrate control, willingness to guide and degree of difficulty in speed and speed changes. Circles must at all times be run in the geographical area of the arena specified in the pattern description and must have a common center point....

The Beauty of Vulnerability

Hi, my friends, For some reason, a few ago, I was going through a challenging time. There was a lot going on, including the weather (I know, any of you Northerners or Mountain folks have no sympathy for our Southern winter complaints (-:) Business-wise, there were...

Excessive Herd Help

Excessive Herd Help

It seems like after every major event, the topic of excessive herd help comes up. It was covered really well in Dec at the NRCHA Judge’s Seminar, so I thought before the Celebration of Champions, I’d recap what is allowed to do without consequence to the exhibitor vs...

Doug Williamson

Doug Williamson

This week I wanted to give a big shout out to one of the finest horsemen, greatshowman, kind and resilient, yet tougher than nails, and cowboy extraordinaire. Ifyou’ve never met Doug Williamson, just go right up and introduce yourself! He’sone of the most friendly and...

From Soft Eyes to Piercing Eyes

From Soft Eyes to Piercing Eyes

Hey, it's Barb and I want to talk to you in this little mini podcast about how powerful your eyes are when you're making cuts in a herd work or cutting run. First of all, it's important for your eyes to, in general, to be up. Anytime our eyes drop, it is always an...

A few things mentally strong people do:

A few things mentally strong people do:

Do you ever come across someone who oozes self-confidence? In today’s post, we are going to talk about what mentally strong people do and what they don’t do. They seem to have this incredible mental strength that sets them apart from the rest. But what gives them that...

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