Our Blog
Competition Mental Skills
Navigating Hurtful Situations
I want to share a story about a friend who called and wanted to chat about two experiences involving interactions with others. One was that she'd been a helper on the cow crew at a show, turning out cattle for people boxing. To make this story short, she had a great...
My East Coast Adventure
When I was a consultant for a client’s broodmare program, my boss often said, “Barb, one of the secrets to success is you need to keep showing up.” He went on to explain that, whether it’s business or personal, investing time in attending events can open doors. We...
The Talent Code Part 2
In my last article, I shared the story of the girl who did a month’s worth of practice in 6 minutes! In it, Daniel Coyle explained (from his book The Talent Code) how that happened. In the Talent Code he explains how deep practice, ignition and master coaching cause...
Unstoppable Momentum
CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO OR DOWNLOAD THE MINI-PODCAST Transcript: Hey, it's Barb, and I want to talk to you today about an idea that's really easy to understand, but it's not always easy to do. It’s called unstoppable momentum. I discovered a woman, Marissa...
The Girl Who Did a Month’s Worth of Practice in 6 Minutes
I was rereading the Talent Code for the 4th time last week and in the introduction, I remembered one of the most fascinating parts of the whole book. He was talking about “talent hotbeds”. These are places where for no apparent reason, fantastic athletes...
Sustaining Motivation
Our journeys of riding and showing our horses have hills and valleys of success and empowerment - and then we don't feel so strong! At times, we feel discouraged. Maybe something happens to our horse - all kinds of things can happen. In his research, Daniel Coyle...
You’re Already a Hero
I heard a gem of wisdom this past week that I'd like to share with you, It's the idea that we're all already heroes in our own lives. I don't know about you, but I don't normally think of myself as a hero! But, here's the point the speaker made. We've all...
Hi, my friends, I've been reminded on multiple fronts these past couple of weeks about the concept of 'grit'. It has come to mind, through inspiration from my heroes, personally and professionally and attending the Cowgirl Spring Roundup at Paws Up Resort in...
“I Can” Isn’t Quite Enough
I have many things that excite me about everyday living - like 'coincidences' that lead to outcomes I never could have imagined and learning new things. Recently, through a mutual friend, I met Dr. Stephanie Burns, an Australian human behavior specialist...
The Beauty of Vulnerability
Hi, my friends, For some reason, a few ago, I was going through a challenging time. There was a lot going on, including the weather (I know, any of you Northerners or Mountain folks have no sympathy for our Southern winter complaints (-:) Business-wise, there were...
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These are the same powerful ideas that we’ve used to train, ride and show our own horses… and they can work for you, too.
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