I get a lot of questions about how to hold the 2-rein outfit. There are a few different ways, so I’m going to go over each.

The great thing about the year spent in the 2 rein (during which you can also show your horse straight up in the bridle) is that’s it’s legal to put your fingers between the reins! I used to show my horses in both the 2 rein class and the open bridle on the same day so I could school in one and show in the other. 

Here’s a photo of the easiest way. In this, you hold everything together in one hand. However, when you do this, you don’t take advantage of using your fingers between the reins. 

This one is my favorite. You put one finger between each of the 4 reins and then turn your thumb up. 

Some folks like to have the romal reins come up through their palm from the bottom up as if you were straight up in the bridle and the mecate reins would be held going from top to bottom. 

Here’s a photo of putting your fingers in a position to help guide your horse as needed. 

It’s a lot to manage, but hopefully, this is helpful!


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