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The Talent Code Part 2

The Talent Code Part 2

In my last article, I shared the story of the girl who did a month’s worth of practice in 6 minutes! In it, Daniel Coyle explained (from his book The Talent Code) how that happened. In the Talent Code he explains how deep practice, ignition and master coaching cause...

Unstoppable Momentum

Unstoppable Momentum

CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO OR DOWNLOAD THE MINI-PODCAST Transcript: Hey, it's Barb,  and I want to talk to you today about an idea that's really easy to understand, but it's not always easy to do. It’s called unstoppable momentum. I discovered a woman, Marissa...

The Girl Who Did a Month’s Worth of Practice in 6 Minutes

The Girl Who Did a Month’s Worth of Practice in 6 Minutes

I was rereading the Talent Code for the 4th time last week and in the introduction, I remembered one of the most fascinating parts of the whole book. He was talking about “talent hotbeds”. These are places where for no apparent reason, fantastic athletes...

Sustaining Motivation

Sustaining Motivation

Our journeys of riding and showing our horses have hills and valleys of success and empowerment - and then we don't feel so strong! At times, we feel discouraged. Maybe something happens to our horse - all kinds of things can happen. In his research, Daniel Coyle...

Tribute to Doug Williamson

Tribute to Doug Williamson

Most of you have heard by now that we have lost a great cowboy, trainer, dear friend and one of the finest horsemen ever. Doug Williamson passed after a long battle with cancer. He will be missed by many but forgotten by none. My 2 favorite quotes from Doug are, “When...

How to Read Cattle

How to Read Cattle

https://vimeo.com/1002041925?share=copy I often hear how hard it is to get practice in both reading and working live cattle.  I understand.  This video describes some fun 'games' you can do to boost your cow reading expertise.  Have...

Fixing Your Horse’s Natural Asymmetry (Part 1)

Fixing Your Horse’s Natural Asymmetry (Part 1)

Overcome your horse's natural asymmetry so you can—finally!—ride perfect circles and straight lines. Does your horse seem to have a "good" and a "bad" side? Is he somehow easier to ride in one direction than the other? Is it hard for you to make your circles to the...

Using Your Seat for Rating, Stopping, and Turning

Using Your Seat for Rating, Stopping, and Turning

Austin Shepard rides so beautifully in many ways. He's one of my favorite riders to watch and emulate. In this video, I show you how and why using your seat can make a huge impact on working the cow for so much more than stopping. https://vimeo.com/989773238

The Magic of Compounding Interest!

The Magic of Compounding Interest!

I want to share something interesting with you. Here’s a question that you may have heard before: If you had to pick between receiving $1,000,000 today or the value of $0.01 doubled every day for 30 days, which would you pick? I’ve heard this question before, but...

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