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Boxing / Down the Fence
Winter Wisdom Opportunities
Let me know your thoughts, and Happy New Year!
Judging For Box Drive Class
There are some new rules for the Nrcha’s Box Drive class! Most of these rules became official in 2024, but it seems not everyone is aware of them. And one is new for 2025. So, if you show in this class, be sure to read this article. The Box Drive class is a...
Warwick Mindset
It's not a Method, it's a Mindset. My point isn't to criticize methods and their use, but to emphasize the importance of using the correct mindset when training horses. The most common questions I receive are often based on very similar scenarios. Most...
Rating and Fence Work
I recently had the privilege of judging the NRCHA Derby with Bobby Ingersoll. What an honor and an educational experience it was for me. I believe the sign of a true master is one who knows their subject so thoroughly that they can reduce an incredibly complex subject...
Rating is probably the least understood and undervalued part of run content in a fence work, yet besides position and control, could be the most important. Rating is a skill that both horse and the rider can and must develop. It is crucial in steer stopping, cutting,...
The Loop
Many times when turning a cow on the fence, it manages to come off the fence. There are a few reasons why this happens. One would be the cow jumping over the horses rear end (see the picture). There’s no way, that this wouldn’t require a loop. There’s no penalty for...
The Circling Turn Part 2
By popular demand, I’ve burrowed down into the archives to get you 2 really good runs to clear up any confusion about that darned “circling turn”. The first video shows a very difficult cow. It’s numb and pushy and doesn’t want to be on the fence. Matt open field...
Circling Turns in a Fence Run
Finally, there’s clarity on the circling turn! The NRCHA 2020 rulebook now has a 2- point penalty for a horse that “fails to change sides after a circling turn, prior to the first circle” What is a circling turn? When the horse is in the open field (20’ off the wall)...
Two fence turns or 3?
The quicker you get your job done with the cow in the fence work, the better chance you have of a big score. That said, many scores have gone way down, because the rider decided to go with 2 turns on the fence instead of 3. Dun It With Chics- One of my all time...
Fence Work Credit Part B – Run Content Credit and Debit
In my last fencework article, I went over boxing, rate and form and quality of your turns. In this article, I’ll continue with the run content boxes of position and control, degree of difficulty and eye appeal.Position and Control I think most judges would agree that...

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