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Cutting / Herd Work

From Soft Eyes to Piercing Eyes

From Soft Eyes to Piercing Eyes

Hey, it's Barb and I want to talk to you in this little mini podcast about how powerful your eyes are when you're making cuts in a herd work or cutting run. First of all, it's important for your eyes to, in general, to be up. Anytime our eyes drop, it is always an...

On the ‘Line’

On the ‘Line’

An elusive concept for working out of the herd can be the idea of staying 'on the line' once we begin working the cow. It's an important idea to understand first and then execute, especially in fast cattle. In my video archives, I found a video that gives a great...

Wait to See. Just Wait to See!

Wait to See. Just Wait to See!

When I coach amateurs and nonpros for Herd Work, one challenge for most people is the feeling of chaos (or panic) near the end of the cut as the cattle thin down, and it's time to decide which cow to cut. This video is about how to help you more clearly see...

Three Multi-Tasking Skills for Setting Up Cuts

Three Multi-Tasking Skills for Setting Up Cuts

Herdwork is what's called a "soft skill," not because it's easy, but because the situation is never the same. During herd work it's challenging because the cattle are always changing position in the herd and in the arena. Plus, as a rider, you make constant decisions...

Smooth Out the End of the Cut

Smooth Out the End of the Cut

One of the most challenging aspects of making cuts in cutting and herdwork classes is how many things are going on at the same time: Staying with our plan and slow on the inside Navigating our horse Making good decisions amid constantly changing cow flow scenarios!...

Get our free biweekly articles and videos with strategies used by two of the world’s most successful professional women who competed in Reined Cow Horse and Cutting.

These are the same powerful ideas that we’ve used to train, ride and show our own horses… and they can work for you, too.

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